Lumecca is the most powerful intense pulsed light (IPL) to treat pigmented and vascular lesions. After just one use, patients notice significant improvements in the complexion and clarity of their skin.
It is particulary successful in removing age spots (red/brown pigmentation) sun damage, vascular legions, rosacea, freckles, acne scarring, and melasma. Lumecca can be used on any part of the body with excellent results.
Lumecca uses photo-thermolysis through the delivery of specific waveslengths of light which interact with red and brown pigments in the skin. These pigments absorb the light and are destroyed. Lumecca has a high specifity and selectivity for pigmentation and redness created by sun damage and is one of the most powerful treatments for this purpose.
In just 1-3 sessions Lumecca improves the appearance of:
Age spots (red/brown pigmentations)
Vascular lesions such as facial telangiectasians (spider veins)
Sun Damage
Overall skin rejuvenation
Lumecca can be used on all areas of the body. The most common areas of treatment are zones that are regularly exposed to the sun. The often includes face,neck,décolletage, legs,hands & arms.
An ultrasound gel is applied to the area being treated. The eyes will be protected by goggles and the handpiece will be applied to the surface to deliver the pulses of light. During the Lumecca treatment, there will be bright flashes of light from the Lumecca handpiece that feel like a light elastic band sensation against the surface of the skin. Usually the treatment lasts for around 10 minutes and the skin will feel slightly sunburnt after.
Depending on what we are trying to achieve, between 2-6 sessions may be required.
Redness and a warming sunburnt feeling tend to subside within a few hours. In the days following, there may be some swelling and occasional bruising in the areas being treated for thread veins and vascular lesions. Brown pigment often gets darker in the days following the treatment but then either flakes off or is absored by the body. Final results are usually evident by day 10-14
These are ALL normal expected reactions. Very rarely some experience swelling underneath the eyes that lasts approximately 3 days.
Patients may find they are sensitive to sunlight and should avoid direct sunlight and tanning for a few weeks post treatment. For the first day following treatment, it is advised that no skincare products are used on the skin other than SPF.